Craig Charles


Sitting at work, on my lunch break (over a year ago now), it occurred to me that HSLife could do worse than carry interviews of interesting people. So, aiming high, I got on the web, and after about ten minutes of nosing around, I sent a message to Red Dwarfs' Craig Charles, explaining a bit about HSLife and asking if he'd mind answering a few questions. In less than ten minutes, he'd mailed me back, saying that he would be delighted. How impressed was I? How impressed was everybody else in the office? Who do I think I am, trying to interview someone like Craig? But anyway, I managed, and here's how it all went with the worlds favorite space slob…

DJ Ess : Okay, question one. What were you doing just before this interview?
Craig : Turning on my computer.
DJ Ess: What are you doing, work-wise, at the moment?
Craig : I'm currently touring England, doing stand-up.
DJ Ess : Going way back in time, how did you land the Red Dwarf job?
Craig : I originally auditioned for the part of Rimmer. Sounds crazy now, doesn't it? They offered me the role of Lister and I signed up.
DJ Ess : How do you think Lister has changed during his time in space?
Craig : He's grown up a lot, and has found a more balanced way of life. And he's become immortal, of course.
DJ Ess : As a viewer, do you have a favorite episode?
Craig : I don't have favorite episodes, just favorite scenes, like the scene in Polymorph where I am wearing shrinking boxer shorts and Kryten is trying to get them off whilst wearing a groinal attachment.
DJ Ess : Can you tell us anything about the rumored Red Dwarf movie?
Craig : I can tell you that it's a very probably possibility.
DJ Ess : On Robot Wars, do you ever have trouble not laughing when the crappy competitors robots break down?
Craig : It affects me more if a very well made robot goes out through bad luck. I think "After all the work those people have put in, they get nothing." It's really quite sad.
DJ Ess : And don't you think that Sir Killalot ( or whatever he's called, ) is way too hard compared to the others?
Craig : Yes, but then, that's the idea.  The competitors just shouldn't go near him, that's all.
DJ Ess : Jumping channels, I remember a sit-com on channel four, called Captain Butler, I think. You played a pirate, and said "Aw, bollocks," at the end of the credits. That was really good. Is anything going to happen with that in the future?
Craig : Oh, so you were our one viewer? No, it didn't really get well received, which was a shame because it was funny, wasn't it? I doubt it will appear again.
DJ Ess : If you had to choose between a stand-up or an acting career, which way do you think you'd go?
Craig : A decision like that? Which way would I go? I'd go to the pub.
DJ Ess : Do you have a favorite comedian?
Craig : Haven't really got one...there is such a wide variety and they all make me laugh, although Tony Blair's quite good.
DJ Ess : Yeah, if you call bullshitting the English population a joke, I suppose he is. It's certainly a joke he got elected.
Craig : Ooh, politics!
DJ Ess : Anyway, back to the questions. How do you feel when Chris Barrie does an impression of your voice?
Craig : It's quite disconcerting because he does my mannerisms as well. And it comes across as a caricature of a sad Scouse git.
DJ Ess : If you could see Liverpool achieve one thing, what would it be?
Craig : To win the European Cup...beating Manchester United in the final, 17-0.
DJ Ess : Good call. And finally, to give all us male slobs hope in life, does Lister have any chance with the gorgeous Ms. Kochanski?
Craig : [Laughs] I think it would be a great idea for Doug (Naylor) to write a huge love scene into the script. Yes. We'd need lots of takes to get it right, as well. I think that's a fantastic idea.
DJ Ess: Sweet. Thanks for your time, and good luck with the movie!


Two pictures of Craig, both from Red Dwarf...


This is interview 1